Meeting Other Bloggers

Hi Foodie Fam!

"Foodie Fam" name for my followers. Get it??☺

This week I had the chance to meet a lot of young fabulous people in the blogging community who are equally creating great content. It was nice to be in the midst of inspiring people, swapping stories and sharing information, so I thought to introduce you to a few of them.

Firstly, I had an interesting discussion with Wang from Hong Kong who writes about travel and gives a lot of insight on how to effectively plan your trips, you can access his blog here.

Secondly, I met two of my lovely compatriots Ayo and Tam which I was super excited about. Tam is somewhat of a finance guru and gives the best advice on the credit check.

Ayo is all about events planning and management. If you want to know where to find good vendors to ensure your event is a memorable one. You should check her out on deevah events.

Still in the atmosphere of mingling, I met Thamja who is a Super Mom. She shares her experience on how she balances her business with family life and provide tips on how to take control which i think is empowering.

Finally, we have Cheng Wang, a fellow foodie like me who is all about Asian Food. Can you imagine?, we could not stop talking about food. He has promised to share some of his recipes with us Yay!! however, if you want to see more, here is the link. 

Thank you guys for sticking with me. See you on the next one.




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